
Women were "uppity" when we wanted the vote. Blacks were "uppity" when they challenged Jim Crow laws. Americans are "uppity" for challenging the establishment, Left and Right. We Americans have been too quiet for too long. We quietly tried to go along to get along, didn't want to make a scene or rock the boat, and let ourselves and our liberties falter. We forgot our duties and civic responsibilities. We've been complacent. While we've been working hard, raising our families, caring for extended family and elderly family, our elected representatives have destroyed our Republic. While Americans were running charity drives, collecting donations for and running soup kitchens to feed hungry families, taking care of those less fortunate in our communities, Congress stole our country. 

Well, I can't speak for you, but I can damn surely speak for myself.  I will not allow this to continue without a fight to the end. I will speak out at every opportunity. When I hear conservatives and TEA Partiers mocked, I will speak out regardless of the consequences. When I hear lies and distortions, I will confront them at every turn. No more silence. No more acquiescence. I'm done.

Every American needs to get on his knees and beg God's forgiveness. Pray that God will forgive us for sitting by while the last best hope for freedom on this planet was being systematically dismantled. Pray for God's guidance. Then get up, stand up straight and tall, and get out there. Add your voice to the millions of voices that are now, for the first time in decades, being heard loud and clear.

Over the last century, but especially since 1960 we allowed a screeching, hysterical minority to chip away at our freedom. No more. We the people are awake, vocal, and uppity as hell. Join us, if you will. If not, get out of the way. We will fight for YOUR freedom and liberty as well as our own. Because WE are Americans.