
Public enemy numero uno George Soros and the "Responsibility to Protect" scam

Dear Readers, if by some chance you were taken hostage by aliens, kept under lock and key - the alien version - in a galaxy far far away, then there is an eensy, miniscule, remote possibility that you have not heard of the following people and/or phrases:

  •  George Soros
  • Samantha Power
  • Cass Sunstein
  • "The Responsibility to Protect" [see link at end of this post]
  • Libya Resolution

However, it is this writer's strongly held opinion that if you do not know those names or concepts, you my dear, are a significant part of the problem that America faces.

And even more frankly, I don't give a damn what you think about that. You are an American citizen. You have a duty to your country.

You have a duty to know that the "Responsibility to Protect" can be described this way:

The R2P plan, developed in 2008 prior to the '08 election of Barack Hussein Obama, works like this:
  1. Inflame the middle east. Check.
  2. Destabilize and topple governments. Check. 
  3. Embroil the US military under the UN rubrick. Check.
  4. Surround Israel with hostile, out-of-control regimes in neighboring countries. The American Left and other leftist and muslim forces around the world are working on this.
  5. The last step: Use the 'Responsibility to Protect' for the America's military to establish a Palestinian State with Jerusalem as the capitol 
Target date: September 2011
Get involved, now, or stay the hell out of our way. The adults in this country will save your sorry asses.

Public Enemy #1 George Soros and the "Responsibility to Protect"

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